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Merry Christmas

19 December 2011

Here comes Santa Clause

Merry Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house not a creature was stirring…….not even a mouse?

As our grandfather Pone told us children such stories as that…in hope that we would quickly fall asleep…and that would  be that. But instead there was a whole lot of stirring in our house….and it was much more than a mouse! Our insides were so anxious and our mouths chattered back…..for we were certain we would stay awake, until we saw Santa with the toys in his sack. We would pause and be quiet for a moment at best, listening for the sounds of jingles…and the boisterous Ho! Ho! Ho! ….that would soon bring us rest. We knew there would be 9 famous reindeer pulling the sleigh ….Rudolf….the most famous of all….would be leading his way.

We knew Santa would land in the yard, as our roof was so small… and we had no chimney at all. Pone assured us that Santa would find his way into our house… to leave toys, and gifts for all. “Well shouldn’t we unlock the door?”….. “And are you sure he will find the cookies and milk we left….cause we surely want him to be jolly and happy above all.”

We wiggled, we squirmed, we could not be still….what if he trips and he falls….since we have no chimney and all? And how can he visit if our parents are gone? Surely he knows that you are only our Pone! Oh we were assured he would be there by the end of day, the lights from our tree would show him the way… Then our grandpa would remind us, Santa knew we were awake. He knew everything about us… for goodness sake! He would tell us we must get to sleep …after all, Santa had lots of visits and trips to keep. There was a world full of children waiting as well…..way more than we could ever begin to tell.

My, how can he eat so many cookies and milk? Are you sure he will be hungry for the ones that we make? ….That’s why he’s so fat …from all the cookies he’s ate…and why it takes so many reindeer to pull  about his weight.

Finally we knew we must fall asleep… we wanted all the children to get their toys, gifts, and treats. As we would peer out our window and up to the stars we knew he was out there for everyone….children above all. Gosh how we wished we could see him …even if it were from a far. But for sure we knew he was there…out beyond all the stars.

First thing Christmas morning, before any stirring in the house… we ran to the lighted tree as quiet as could be. With smiles on our faces and twinkles in our eyes we could see Santa left us each a surprise. Our Pone had been right…the cookies were gone…and all the toys were displayed perfect in sight. The chatter began, excitement filled the room; and quietly in our minds was the thought… maybe next year we could stay awake…as quiet as a mouse… and see Santa as he enters our house!

The faith of children is so precious.  Their dreams, expectations and realizations are simple, yet extraordinary.  You see this is but a simple story about my three brothers, me, and our grandpa Pone. It comes without a lot of facts and details but it is true, real, and full of the faith we had as children. My hope and prayer is that we always know God has given us the greatest gift of all…. ‘Jesus’. He is the perfect gift available to us every day of our lives. He wants us to go to Him and love Him with the same faith as that of a child at Christmas…and He will do extraordinary things in and through our lives.

Merry Christmas and Love to All ….

When you finish reading the story be sure to click on the link above the picture to hear the song…

“Here Comes Santa Clause” by Rodger McFarland

This story is dedicated to all my family members and to my grandfather ‘Pone’ Amos Venson Turner (Dec 23, 1908 – June 5, 1967). … Happy Birthday Pone!

I  offer my services to write memoirs and life stories of you and your  loved ones. It’s as simple as sitting on a front porch sharing story after story about  your life and your loved ones as you relax in a rocking chair, chattering away  about what you know best….your  loved ones.

Please  continue to read my blog http://rockingchairchatter.com and be sure to keep a watch for my new website http://www.myfrontporchfriends.com/ as we continue to write our stories.

Enjoyed  the chat,


Lorraine  McFarland lives in Plant City, Florida. She is a professional writer  specializing in memoirslife story writing,
and capturing memories of  your loved ones.

Copyright, December 2011 by Lorraine McFarland. The author  retains sole copyright to her contributions to this article.

Life Stories

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