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Morning Pages bring rest…

As I got up this morning my spirit was heavy. Maybe it’s the rain or maybe the sleeping pill I took last night, hoping for sleep but only causing me to toss and turn through out the night. As I wrote my morning pages, like I do every morning, I struggled for something to write. My spirit was empty; no creation to be found, no words floating out of the end of my writing instrument. Frustration set in. I put it away and finished my normal routine for the morning and then decided to lie down, hoping to sleep and maybe get rid of the remainder of the pill I took last night. As I went to lie down I was reminded of a morning writing I had done a few months ago. So I went to one of my old notebooks in search for the writing. Much to my amazement I went right to the particular writing. Isn’t it amazing how God can direct us to something we need at the very moment we need it? So I read the writing and knew without a doubt it was a word from God, written in my very own hand writing. I call it…words, written in blue. So now I want to share that writing with you. Please excuse me, but there has been no editing done to the writing, merely in the exact form as it was written in my very own pages. I hope you enjoy it. And I hope it speaks to your spirit as it did to me that day and again today.

My Morning Pages – Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It’s 5:45 AM and I am sitting in the living room with a cup of coffee and Harley snuggled up against me. We are up early this morning primarily because he woke me up needing to go to the potty. Last night as I was getting ready to go upstairs to bed I remembered a friend’s suggestion about presetting the coffee so all I had to do was hit the start button when I woke up. So that is exactly what I did AND when I came inside from walking the dog my coffee was ready. Of course you know by now I really – really – did I say REALLY enjoy my morning coffee – just like I enjoy my morning pages – my writing. It’s all such a part of me now – a part of who I am. Writing my pages is like food to the soul – I need it! It puts me in touch with creation – creativity – with God – with my deepest thoughts and feelings – pulls something from deep inside my spirit – it’s me – who I am – what I am! I just saw the time 5:55 as I went to rub my eyes. There is something about those triple digits that do something to my spirit – my soul. It started happening to me just after Jack died AND every since then when I see it, I feel a sense come over my spirit. It’s as if God is saying something directly to me – something special for my spirit. Maybe it’s just HELLO I AM HERE FOR YOU, TRUST ME and REACH OUT TO ME ANYTIME YOU WANT TO OR NEED TO, GOD! Now isn’t that just too cool??!! Think about that, ANYTIME YOU WANT! ANYTIME YOU NEED! ANYTIME! It’s like He has been here all along and I haven’t realized it – gave it a thought – at least not consciously. Now I have to say I thought about it this morning as I went to take the dog out. First of all let me say, last night when I went to turn the porch light off in the courtyard I saw a dragon fly fluttering around the side window of my front door – dancing to the music playing in the courtyard. I love the Dragon Fly – and I thought at that moment how really cool it was that he was visiting my courtyard. Well, this morning as I went out the door the first thing I saw was the same dragon fly – still fluttering, still dancing to the music. At that very moment I thought of God and His creation. To me the dragon fly has a spiritual meaning – God is with you! Every since I saw the movie “Dragonfly” with Kevin Costner I have felt that way. I know some may think I am crazy – maybe I am- but aren’t we all in our own quirky way? Sometime watch the movie and you will see what I mean – God is with you! – Set a table just for Him – Make Him feel special – just like He is – AND He will come just like the dragon fly – God will come. I feel as though it is watching over me. He is at my front door – my courtyard – dancing to my music. The music I added last week to create a peaceful and tranquil setting. Build it and they will come. He will come and join you – give you peace – give you rest in such a tranquil place. That place in your heart. Can you hear it? Can you see it? Come dance with me! I can hear it! I can also hear the music playing in the courtyard. It plays continually. I hope the dragon fly stays! I don’t know what their life span is, but maybe another one will come- maybe two- maybe three. I just know God is here with me – I can feel His presence all over my spirit. Can you feel it? Isn’t it cool! The time, the dragon fly, the music, the writing…what a word!

 I just went to the door to see the dragon fly, thinking I would take a picture of him – My dragon fly. But to my sadness he was gone, nowhere to be seen. As sadness began to come over me I felt as though the spirit – God’s spirit had left me. Then all of a sudden I saw the large pendulum of my large wind chime sitting at my entrance swinging and turning back and forth. But wait! There is no wind – nothing! It takes a lot for this wind chime to move. It began to get slower and slower and then the leaves of the plant just below it fluttered – catching my attention. Then I thought, could it be the music – the vibration of the sounds creating the movement. Then all of a sudden the leaves stopped fluttering and the pendulum came to a complete stop – completely still as if it had never moved. Then I heard God say to me – BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD. I AM HERE. Chiles wend down my spine and engulfed my spirit – taking over my whole being. I was looking for my dragon fly but instead I found my God! He is here watching over me…who could ask for anything more. I feel excitement in my spirit, in my soul. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me today. Thank You God for my morning coffee – my morning pages – my word from You – my visit from You. You are invited to this place anytime! A place set just for you! Until tomorrow…©

So there you go a brief snippet from my morning pages. The pages I write everyday.

I offer my services to write memoirs and life stories of you and your loved ones. It’s as simple as sitting on a front porch sharing story after story about your life and your loved ones as you relax in a rocking chair, chattering away about what you know best….your loved ones.

Please continue to read my blog  http://rockingchairchatter.com and be sure to keep a watch for my new website  http://www.myfrontporchfriends.com/ as we continue to write our stories.

Enjoyed the chat,


Lorraine McFarland lives in Plant City, Florida. She is a professional writer specializing in memoirs, life story writing, and capturing memories of your loved ones.

Copyright March 2011 by Lorraine McFarland. The author retains sole copyright to her contributions to this article.

Life Stories

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